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Le 22/10/2015 16:24, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

On 10/22/2015 03:31 PM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Is the mysql server actually running ? 
mysqld is running, (start on boot) in Services.

Just because mysql is supposed to start on boot, doesn't mean that it is
actually running. From a terminal, type :

mysqladmin status

You might be required to enter your admin (root/sudo) password for this,
or you might get an error message saying that you are not authorised, in
which case try :

mysqladmin status -p

and then you'll be asked for a password.

You can also check whether it is running in the list of active processes
by typing :

ps aux | grep mysql

Is mysql listening on the default port 3306 ?

netstat -ant | grep 3306

Can you access your database/tables from the mysql management interface,
for example ?

The original jdbc error that you posted is indicative of something not
being setup correctly in your connection to the database. When you open
the ODB file, if you click on Tables, then right mouse button click on
the space in which the tables are listed, you should see a context menu
that says "Database" which leads to another menu entry "Advanced". This
takes you through the connection configuration screens, it might be
helpful to post the output of those here. One of these screens allows
you to test whether the driver is loading properly. If it isn't, then LO
either isn't seeing your JRE, or the driver configuration is wrong
(wrong strings, wrong version, wrong place, etc)


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