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At 16:02 16/10/2015 -0400, William Drescher wrote:
I have a list that has two fields: aisle and item. I need to maintain the list sorted by item, but print a pick list by aisle. This would be simple except, when I print the list for marking I need to print it in item order, in 3 columns. When I print the pick list I again need to print it in 3 columns, sorted by item.

Right now I am sorting the list by aisle and manually cutting and pasting it into 3 columns. I currently have the data in a spreadsheet. I tried using frames set for 3 columns, but when past the sorted list into the frames it does not spill over onto the 2nd and 3rd columns.

"Fields" suggests a database, you mention a spreadsheet, and "frames" suggests a text document, so I don't think your whole problem is particularly well defined here. But inasmuch as your final problem seems to be getting material to spill over naturally between columns in a text document, then separate frames will - as you say - not work. But there are various schemes that will:

o Go to Format | Columns... and make your setting there. Notice that this is a facet of your page style, so you can also find this on the Columns tab of the page style dialogue. By changing page style, you can make the columns extend over only some pages of your document.

o You can even have the columns extend over fractional pages using sections. Go to Insert | Section... to create a section in your document. Set the number of columns in the Insert Section dialogue. Note the "Evenly distribute contents to all columns" option, which is a simple way to arrange that your columns extend exactly as far down the page as necessary.

o If you prefer to use frames (as you mention), it is possible to link frames so that material will flow naturally between them. Select the first frame, click the Link Frames button in the Frame toolbar, and click in the second frame. Repeat for further frames.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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