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Hi :)
Thanks all :)  So it sounds like AndrOffice and Kingsoft are worth trying.

I had thought about making my exchange-rate spreadsheet into a database.
I'm sure it would be far better, and would allow a purpose-built UI
front-end but the spreadsheet route is plenty good enough for this trip.

The main thing is having the functionality off-line, and from
recommendations from people i trust so i am really glad to have had good
responses so quickly from so many people here so quickly.  I'm going to
look-up some 3rd party articles too but i don't trust them as much as i
trust everyone here.
Many thanks and regards from
Tom :)

On 14 September 2015 at 15:22, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 14/09/2015 14:41, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi Tom,

Has anyone here used the AndrOffice or the LibreOffice version on
AndrOpenffice is a huge download, but is usable offline. It is also
rather clunky, and not really optimized for use with a touch screen, as
it basically just draws the whole OOo interface, which is far too fiddly
for fingers and touch screens. If your tablet has a keyboard and mouse
pointer, well it actually works pretty well most of the time (except for
Base, which is even more unstable than usual).

The LibreOffice Viewer for Android is just that - a viewer. You can't
edit documents with it (unlike AndropenOffice), and it is pretty
hopeless at displaying all the files in a given directory on the tablet
or phone. For some reason, someone thought that it would be useful to
cripple the built-in file finder, so as to list only those files which
are ODF.

So, if you have an Android tablet with a keyboard, AndrOpenOffice is
currently still the winner with regard to ODF import and editing.


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