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Hi :)
So it sounds like you are saying the problem didn't exist in the 4.4.5 = in
which case it might be good to post a bug-report about it so the devs know
there might be an issue.  If Win10 IS displaying the fonts correctly in the
list but only for the "Still" branch then it's gotta be something screwy
with the 5.0.x of LO.

I'm trying out a Chromebook right now so i can't even test it on Linux :(
 Also for the 5.0.x branch it's waaaay too early for me to install on a
main machine.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 3 September 2015 at 14:37, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> wrote:

Has anyone had this issue with other Windows versions, or Linux?

I have not installed 5.0.x yet on my Linux systems, so I do not know.
I have down-graded to 4.4.5 on the 2 Win10 [Home and Pro] dual boot

Hopefully Win10 will fix the issue[s], if it is the actual problem.

On 09/01/2015 06:59 PM, anne-ology wrote:

        I suspicion this is yet another problem with WIN10  ;-(

        reasoning: others have been having problems with non-MsFt programs
in WIN10.

From: Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 7:32 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Font menu display not working correctly
To: LibreO - Users Global <>

I am running on a Windows 10 Pro [64-bit] laptop.

When I page down through the different fonts [in the tool-bar option] many
of the fonts do not show what they look like, including some MS installed

This was not a problem with 4.4.4, after I upgraded to Win10.

The kicker is sometimes one part of the font list is not displaying
correctly, while the next time I use LO it does. Other parts/fonts seem
to display their "style" every time I open LO and look for a font to use.
Once all the fonts did not display anything other than their names.

So, has anyone seen this issue with on Windows [10] ?

I have not have it on any of my various Linux systems [every
a different version of Linux], yet, so I do not know if it does this on
Linux [64-bit]

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