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I totally agree with Tanstaafl. What USERS want for all menu's should always be the primary driver of design. A long established design should not be changed cavalierly wither user comment input.

Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

On 08/30/2015 10:19 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
I completely and totally disagree that a 'Cell' related context menu -
when right-clicking on a cell in a table - would 'complicate' the
context menu in any way. In fact, I think it makes it improves the UI
for new users.

I understand the idea of simplifying things for new users, but I totally
disagree that that should be some kind of massively major focus,
especially to the point of making things more difficult for your
existing user base.

But whatever, I'll go and create a new enhancement request to allow
customizing the context menus.

Maybe there has been ample time to play with the alpha and beta
releases, but you do realize that suggesting that we should be able to
find every little thing like this just from playing with them is - well,
a bit ridiculous.

Fyi: major changes like this should be ANNOUNCED - and specific requests
to look for changes in certain areas and please test and comment would
go a long way to helping us help you.

On 8/28/2015 8:26 PM, V Stuart Foote <> wrote:
Tanstaafl wrote
But, we shouldn't have to do this, so the bug will stay open to just add
the relevant menu entries - and to bring these two back to the context
Sorry, but the context menu rework and changes to the Table toolbar and menu
were committed in April 2015, and have been that way on all builds of
master, the entire 5.0.0 beta run, and for all  5.0.0 release candidates
since then.

The change to the Table menu to add the missing "Unprotect Cells" as in
tdf#93713 <>   will
correct that oversight, but there has been ample time to preview and comment
on the many GUI and design issues that come with the 5.0 release.  I'd
invite folks to stay more involved with development and QA going forward.

>From a Design UX-advise perspective the HIG work dictates that we simplify
the user interface for the benefit of our beginner users--the context menus
were put on a diet accordingly :D


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