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       Brian, if you wish to respond to this fellow's query, you could do
so - his message was there;
            you deleted the message, not I.

       I thought I could help;
          no one else had so far;
             so I responded as I released it to the list.

       To me, that seems quite logical ...
            oops, logic seems to be missing from studious halls these days

From: Brian Barker <>
Date: Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: WordPad

At 11:54 13/08/2015 -0500, Anne Noname wrote:

From: Peter Pullman <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 07:07:53 -0700 (MST)

I tried to put the contents of a WordPad document in a file that I had
created using Libre Office.

Welcome to LO - here's hoping you too will discover it's a very nice
program; ...

You are (I believe) a list moderator. Would it not be more helpful to
release genuine messages such as this to the list - to allow others to
reply - rather than simply replying to them yourself?

Brian Barker

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