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Hi :)
There seem to be at least 3 different questions in there, possibly.

1.  LibreOffice is rarely pre-installed on Microsoft Windows machines.  You
can download it for free - or copy the installer from elsewhere - and
install on as many or as few machines as you like, as long as the machines
you install onto are yours or their owner allows you to.

If you are fairly new to LibreOffice / OpenOffice then you will probably
find the "Still" branch is smoother and much less likely to have weird
unexpected things going wrong.

The 5.0.0 version ("Fresh") is really for "Early Adopters";
It's on the main home-page of the website because it's the version that
most people are most excited about trying out right now because it's so
fresh and new.  However some of that new-ness means that it may have
unexpected flaws that we don't yet know about.  So a lot of us stick with
the "Still" branch for machines we need to be able to use without having to
constantly tweak.

2.  Errr, LibreOffice is nothing to do with Microsoft.  If you imagine a
Microsoft Windows machine as a shop (or warehouse) then LibreOffice is one
of the things that could be on a shelf in there: along with possibly
Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird and/or many other things.  A Linux machine
would be another shop/warehouse that could also have LibreOffice,
Chrome/Firefox, Thunderbird and/or other things.  Similarly with Macs.

It is only the Microsoft (and maybe Mac) shop/warehouse that tries to limit
people to only using all their own things and other vulnerable products by
default.  Microsoft Office is one of the things that only really works well
on Microsoft Windows machines.

3.  You can check your auto-save settings by going to the menus at the top
and click on

Tools -
Options (bottom of the list) -
"Load/Save" (well, on the little triangle there to expand the options) -

4.  When pasting from Wordpad or Microsoft Office or other Microsoft things
you tend to find a lot of hidden junk coding gets pasted in at the same
time.  The hidden junk can often mess things up a bit so try
Ctrl Shift V
to "paste special" and choose "unformatted text" to get rid of the junk.
Unfortunately it also gets rid of things such as Bold, Underline and other
useful things but even so it is often faster to just re-do all that than to
try to figure out how to stop the hidden junk from MS messing things up.

5.  If you have LibreOffice then you probably don't need to use Wordpad so
much.  It's probably easier to write in LibreOffice than in Wordpad now.
You can always save a copy of documents in Microsoft formats;
File - "Save As ... " - Microsoft Word (98, 2000, Xp)
errr something like that gives the older MS format which can now be read by
pretty much all relevant programs.  "Saving As ..." the 2007, 2010, 2013
formats is a little risky because edits done in Microsoft Office might then
restrict which programs can open the file properly.

I hope i covered whichever issue is the problem!  Feel free to ask for
clarification or whatever :)
Regards from
Tom :)

On 13 August 2015 at 17:54, anne-ology <> wrote:

       Welcome to LO -
          here's hoping you too will discover it's a very nice program;

       LO does have an auto-save -
          for anyone who doesn't mind the program stopping every few
seconds, it would a nice feature.

       But Wordpad ... as well as Notepad ... & any of these non-MsFt,
nifty note programs which are available for free &/or fee will not use LO's
          LO does have it's own word program.

       Hoping this helps,

From: Peter Pullman <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 07:07:53 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [libreoffice-users] WordPad
I tried to put the contents of a WordPad document in a file that I had
created using Libre Office.

I joined Libre because I would like to have its AutoSave function.

When I exited and then re-entered this Libre file, I saw that AutoSave
hadn't worked.

My computer provided WordPad only - not any such Microsoft program.

Is Libre Office of no use to me when I'm writing in WordPad, even if I
transfer the contents to a Libre file?

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