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I use LibreOffice 5 on LinuxMint 17.2 and the text is rendered correctly.
Have a look in Format -> Fonts when you are in Math and see what fonts are
shown there.  They should be the same as the default font you use for
Writer documents.  (In my case I use Liberation Serif in Writer and this
also is shown as the font in Math.)  If they are not change them to thye
fonts you use in Writer.  Otherwise I cannot help you.


On 8 August 2015 at 22:15, Patrick Knight <> wrote:

Dear Math users -

Is is just me or is there something amiss with the text rendering in Math?
I have LibreOffice 5.0 on Windows 10.
When using Math both the symbol browser and the embedded equation fail to
render correctly:
+ in the text entry area is rendered as an envelope glyph.
/ in the text entry area is rendered as open mailbox glyph.
neg in the text entry area is rendered as a fat star glyph.
= in the text entry area is rendered as a floppy disk glyph.
in the text entry area is rendered as a tape glyph.
( and ) in the text entry area are rendered as telephone glyphs.

It's all quite fun, but it really what was intended, and any Ideas as to
how to fix it?

Patrick Knight.

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