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       Well, it worked in LO 3.4  ;-)

       Yes, I'm still using that version -
           it seems to be kink-free  ;-)

From: Thomas <>
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Returning to the previous position in a
document after reopening [was: Question about LO Writer ...]

On 2015/07/29 4:04, Tanstaafl wrote:

 On 7/26/2015 11:46 PM, Thomas <> wrote:
It had a very simple AND convenient function of inserting a "quick mark"
at the cursor position whenever you save a file.

As has been pointed out already, Libreoffice does this now (when you
SAVE it), as long as you have personalized it in the User Data.

 Thank you.
I am aware of this.
However, sometimes it works, OFTEN is does not.
AND, LibreOffice seems to be very restrictive: the function works ONLY if
YOU are the owner and have created the document from scratch in LibreOffice.
Opening a document created by someone else in something else (Word etc.)
using Writer and still expecting this to work
seems to be regarded as a form of heresy ...
Problem is: I constantly HAVE to work with these "other people other
software" documents. (do NOT want to use Word)
Translation agencies send me those to "work with".

By the way, the same applies to changing the "view": if you dare to switch
from "print layout" to "web layout" the cursor ALWAYS jumps to the top of
the document.
And if you have one of those 100-page documents you will have to
frantically scroll through dozens of pages to find where you were last.
Switching the view does NOT mean I saved the document.
Shift+F5 does not help either. It does not work at all, or it jumps to
random places that have nothing to do with my "last position".

This is something I have been struggling with for years, on many computers
and multiple versions of LibreOffice.
Unless somebody can actually prove (show me), that these little tricks CAN
work .. I am forced to conclude that LibreOffice is not "up to the job".
(I think, I have tried to implement EVERY relevant suggestion ever made on
this list over the years .. with no success)

Sorry for the complaining

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