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On 07/14/2015 07:20 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I have another question.
I noticed, since I am using Windows 8.1 (2-3 months ago), currently LO
that attempts at opening files from the IE Explorer (this thing seems to
have another name, but can't remember it) file view
VERY OFTEN (almost always) "fail".

With "fail" I mean:
I have for example one Writer and one Calc file open. No errors at all,
just ordinary work.
Then I click on a WRITER/CALC file somewhere on my disks.
-> Nothing happens.
No matter what I try.

-> I close the Writer/Calc files one by one. Still nothing happens.
-> I close LibreOffice -> immediately a "file recovery" screen opens and
tells me, it is recovering the files I was working on.
-> Once that is done, the file I clicked in the Explorer view ALSO opens.

This did NOT happen with my old Windows XP machines, not on 3 different
Linux machines
and as far as I remember not with earlier versions of LibreOffice.

Does anybody know anything about this?

Thank you

Let me get this correct. . .
You are exploring the document folders, with Windows built-in
file/folder manager - i.e. Windows Explorer?

"IE is Internet Explorer."

Then you try to open the LO Writer/Calc document from there instead of
finding the file withing LibreOffice's "File/Open" menu?

With Win7 you click onto the file or right click to get the menu and
choose "open"? Plus, similar with Linux systems.

Since you are trying this with a Win8.1 system, this does not work?

That part of the question points to a file association issue - Win8 does
not know that the LO documents should open LO when clicked. I do not
know if this will fix this in Win 8.1, except maybe you should try and
see if right clicking on the file and choosing an "open with" option and
choosing which application is associated with the file type. I hope
Win8.1 did not get rid of that option. I would use that that for XP,
Win7, and Linux. I do not have an Win8.x system, just Win7 [Home and
Pro] and Linux [Ubuntu and Linux Mint] systems to work with.

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