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Sorry Anne, but I'm going to have to disagree. It is not because I want to be unpleasant or anything, but as a moderator of this list you should perhaps know better than sending users to this kind of site.
Anyone going to the site you mention will be presented with a list of 
software (mostly for Windows, others available as SaaS). As far as I can 
tell *none of them* are Free and Open Source Software. Clicking on each 
link will point to software that is actual freeware or donationware:
- none of them has a Free/Open Source Software licence
- none of them has an open development model

Surely you do make the difference between a software like LibreOffice and software listed on the site? Again, I do not point this out to sound unpleasant or unfriendly, but it is not wise to advertise this kind of software on a users mailing list of a Free and Open Source Software.
I hope you'll understand what the issue is.



Le 13.07.2015 15:57, anne-ology a écrit :
That is *not* a 'freeware' site;
           anyone who has gone there would know this.

If you enjoy LO, then you should also enjoy their dedicated efforts.

From: Charles-H. Schulz <>
Date: Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to use LibreOffice to blur and save a
To: anne-ology <>,

Le 11 juillet 2015 02:07:42 GMT+02:00, anne-ology <> a
écrit :

      LO is not designed to do that;
         but there are numerous programs which will do a very good job
for you -
        many of these are even free for the individual user and can be

From: KARR, DAVID <>
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] How to use LibreOffice to blur and save a
To: "" <>

I have a PNG image. I need to edit the image to blur out some portions
that I don't want other people to see, and then save that modified PNG

Is this something that LibreOffice can do?  I tried running Draw and
opening the PNG.  I believe the "Smooth" operation is what I need.  I
see this in the "Filter" dropdown when I click on the image, but I'm
sure what to do with that.

I'm guessing if I can figure out how to properly modify the image, I
use the "Save Image ..." menu item in the context menu to save the
PNG.  Is this correct?


Sorry to nitpick here but I am not sure we want to recommend freeware (and
not free and open source software) to our users. Many Freeware download
sites are famous to bundle spyware in the software they distribute.

I am a bit surprized to see this "techsupportalert" being mentioned several
times by an actual moderator of this mailing list.

There are a few websites listing free and open source software:

And many more.


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