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MR ZenWiz wrote:
I have been searching for this and I can't seem to find the right setting.

I have three or four installations of LO on various computers.  On
some of them, LO Writer automatically converts 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 into
the symbols for such (½ ¼ ¾).  On others, the letters remain

I'm reasonably certain there is a setting for this in one of the
options, but I can't find it in Help and I can't figure out which one
it's supposed to be in the Options lists.
It's under Tools > AutoCorrect Options
- In the "Replace" tab, you need the following entries, which I think should be there by default:
    Replace  1/2  with  ½
    Replace  1/4  with  ¼
    Replace  3/4  with  ¾
In the "Options" tab, you need to enable "Use replacement table"

Personally, I disable using the replacement table because it gets in the way when I don't want the replacement to happen, e.g. when entering dates:
- 1/1 gives 1st January of the current year, as expected
- 2/1 gives 2nd January of the current year (I'm in the UK)
- 3/1 gives 3rd January of the current year
- 31/1 gives 31st January of the current year
- 1/2 gives ½, not 1st February
- 1/4 gives ¼, not 1st April
- 3/4 gives ¾, not 3rd April


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