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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Barker <>
Date: Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Date Field and Page Number Field not
showing text and numbers in Footer

At 14:22 21/06/2015 -0400, Taang Zomi wrote:

Date Field and Page Number Field not showing text and numbers in Footer.

I use LibreOffice for Windows 8.1.Since the day-before-yesterday
(19 JUN 2015 SAT), I have found out that the date text and number and the
page numbers in the footer did not show. Instead of showing "Sunday, June
21, 2015", it shows "Date (fixed)", and instead of "Page 8 of 8", it shows
"Page Page numbers of Statistics". This happens in all the new documents
created since. I must have messed up something somewhere, but I do not know
what or where.

I don't know about "messed up", but you have simply toggled the display of
field names. Go to View | Field Names (or press Ctrl+F9) to toggle it back

 I am looking forward to the help given me by the kind, knowledgeable
fellow members.

I trust I've been sufficiently kind and knowledgeable!

Brian Barker

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*Dear Brian,*

*Thank you very much for the prompt solution you gave to me.*

*God bless you abundantly.*


*Taang Zomi*

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