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Hi :)
It is a great answer!  It's quite normal now for people to rely on Pdfs for

Just my own opinion here but ...
MS have created a completely tangled mess of uncertainty.  Apparently
purely to "lock in" people to their products.  Then they ensured that
everyone has to buy their newer and newer versions in line with everyone
around them.
File - Export to Pdf
has been the only viable solution for most people for years now.

At last ODF presents an increasingly viable solution but it is still not
used quite widely enough and MS are not keen to encourage usage of
something that might threaten their market dominance!  However ODF is
gaining ground.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 30 April 2015 at 16:04, Paul D. Mirowsky <> wrote:

Export as PDF.

Unless you need to edit the document, PDF will let you highlight text and
by right clicking, do "highlight text", "strike through text", "Add Note to
Relpace Text"   and "Add Note to Text".
Goto <File><Save as> and send new document back

These editing tools are available from Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, the most
current version available.

Yes, it is not a great answer, but it's an answer.

On 4/28/2015 5:13 AM, Ron Crump wrote:


A colleague received a student's assignment in odt format and
was unable to see any of the charts in it when he opened it
in MS Word.

I tried opening it in LibreOffice on a MacPro (MacOSX
10.10.3) and was able to see one of the graphics, but not all
(there are spaces where the charts should be).

I believe the charts were created in Excel (that was what the
classes used), and I guess they were then copied and pasted into
the odt document.

Any ideas what the problem might be and how it could be avoided
in future? Incompatability between OpenOffice and LibreOffice
(no idea what software was actually used by the student)?


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