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Hi :)
Have you tried a dedicated spreadsheet program such as Gnumeric?  It might
be worth a try, just for yourself at first.

It probably wont solve this specific problem but a dedicated tool sometimes
trumps something that is combined with many other tools.  A "swiss army
knife" is brilliant but a carving knife is better for some things sometimes
and a proper screwdriver is better at others sometimes.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 15 April 2015 at 16:56, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

Am 15.04.2015 um 14:44 schrieb martin f krafft:
Dear all,

we're working with pretty complex spreadsheets in a project and I've
been pushing for the strict adherence to styles (rather than direct
formatting). But I am approaching levels of complexity that make it
really hard for everyone, and I would love to hear some advice on
what I am doing wrong or how our approach could be improved.

Don't be too picky. Concentrate on the cells that need constant editing.
There is nothing wrong when you apply some hard attributes to fixed
(protected) content.

Say you have a simple table with row 1 being a "header" row, row 20
a "results" row, and "plain" rows between, column A holding "dates"
and column B "percentages".

Blending data, appearance and calculation is the major weak point of all
spreadsheet tools. Spreadsheets are quick and dirty tools. Quick and
dirty tools are expert tools and never "fool proof" by any means. All
the meticulousness invested by millions of "Excel experts" is a waste of
time. A single copy and paste or the unforeseen error of an untrained
user may override everything.

Currently, we have 6 styles to represent all combinations, and after
formatting the entire column A as "dates-plain" and column B as
"percentages-plain", we need to format A1 as "dates-header", B1 as
"percentages-header", A20 as "dates-total", and B20 as
"percentages-total". If ever column A or B needed reformatting (e.g.
because rows were pasted wrongly), then the manual overwriting of
the cells in rows 1, 20 and between would need to be redone.

Is there a better way to approach this? Can styles be somehow
combined, such that cell A1 would simultaneously be a "header" and
a "date" cell, given that the two styles are perpendicular and
don't really affect each other?

... and if you include borders, you have percentages-plain-left,
percentages-plain-upper. percentages-plain-lower, percentages-plain-right

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