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At 15:22 28/03/2015 +0100, Stefan Weigel wrote:
When sorting, it's not recommended to select a range, rather than a single cell. Calc (or Excel) will select the range to be sorted by its own. Selecting a specific range before sorting is only helpful for very special cases, when automatic selection fails.
FYI: RTFM and study the rule "For sorting, filtering, or using the 
Pivot Table, always select only one cell." on page no. 4 of this 
official manual:

Unfortunately, the chapter of the manual, that specifically deals with sorting, does not mention this rule. :-/
Interestingly, Chapter 2 does include a couple of useful comments. 
The basic sort instructions do indeed say "Select the cells to be 
sorted" - with no suggestion that you can just put the cursor into a 
single cell and leave Calc to guess the range to be sorted. But 
later, under "Quick sort" (using buttons: what the original enquiry 
was about), it makes the important proviso "*If the columns in your 
spreadsheet have a header with a text format*, you can use a quick 
sort" (my emphasis), as well as saying "Select a cell or a cell range 
to be sorted."
Brian Barker  

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