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Thanks for the info Stuart, its certainly been interesting reading.
I am not so worried about PDF. I know that the built in PDF does not function to produce EPS as vector and I am not worried about preview. I have EPS without recognisable preview in many cases so just show as a near blank frame. I am more concerned that the EPS is not output to postscript so does not print on postscript devices or in postscript post processing prior to printing.

On 2015-03-11 17:57, V Stuart Foote wrote:
At 4.2.4 we moved the EPS preview rendering to pstoedit, with fall back to

tdf#85748 <>
.eps files included in Writer documents “disappear” on printing


tdf#89073 <>  - eps
graphics or images don't get printed or exported to PDF in Writer on 10.10.2

are both really duplicates of  tdf#67465
<>  - EPS
rendering: locating pstoedit on Mac a problem

Believe, on OS X an EPS with a preview used in Writer, that preview gets
clobbered and not-regenerated during PS printing. Lack of prefered pstoedit
in system path results in "red box with annotation" reported.

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