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Hi :)
So it's picking up the USA locale for it's input?  I thought LibreOffice
could have it's own locale as somethign different from the system's one?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 February 2015 at 17:26, Mark Howe <> wrote:

Yeah, I tho't of that and tried changing it around to 14 Jan 2014.
The only thing that worked was changing it to Jan 14 2014 and then it
worked automatically in it’s own column making the exercise with datevalue
of no value.

      14 Jan 2014 Err:502
      01/10/14 Err:502
      01/02/14 Err:502
      25 February 2014 Err:502
      25 February 2014 Err:502
      25 February 2014 '=DATEVALUE(A6)
      30 March 2014

This is what it looks like, 2 col starting with A1 [no col heading].  Line
6 so’s you can see what the formula looks like.

Mark W. Howe
San Juan Capistrano, CA
949-496-3453 home/ office
949-525-3914 cell [not for messages]

"Phao Binh"
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Barker
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 7:34 AM
Cc: Mark Howe
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Formatting a date

At 07:19 19/02/2015 -0800, Mark Howe wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Brian Barker
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Formatting a date
At 06:41 19/02/2015 -0800, Mark Howe wrote:
I have text: 19 February 2015. The format for the cell is date
2/19/2015, but it will not acknowledge that or sort correctly. As
if it's formatted for date but not accepting that fact. What did I do
If you want your existing values to be genuine dates - as you will
want to do if you need to include them in calculations or even just
sort them - you must first convert the text into the equivalent
date. Fortunately. the DATEVALUE() function is available to do this
for you. Just put =DATEVALUE(Xn) in another column and fill down.
I interpreted what you wrote to mean that =datevalue(a1) would
convert the contents of A1 into a date.
Yup - provided that the value in A1 is a "valid date expression".

It did not and produced err502. What am I missing?
Then what is in A1 cannot be what Calc considers (in your locale) to
be a valid date expression. The DATEVALUE() function seems very
robust to me: it can cope with many date formats and doesn't seem to
be fazed by extra blanks, though it can be by extraneous commas.

Is it possible that you have a column heading in A1?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker
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