Hi :)
If using HsqlDb then it would be MUCH better to use their proper full
program downloaded from their site as an external back-end. The
in-built back-end has serious flaws which have apparently resulted in
data-loss for quite a few people so it needs frequent back-ups. As an
external back-end it doesn't have all the tweaks and things that Sun
added (and/or took away (such as the ability to update the program))
so it works brilliantly apparently.
Err, if you do go the Python route then please ignore my earlier post!
I was optimistically assuming that it would be less coding and
therefore easier!!? I hadn't thought about APIs and stuff. Sorry
about that :(
Regards from
Tom :)
On 21 January 2015 at 17:31, Rich Shepard <rshepard@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
The hsqldb 1.8 documentation ? LO uses the hsqldb 1.8 as the embedded db
engine in LO by default, unless you meant you are setting up a "split"
database using an external hsqldb.jar version > 2 ?
The manual appears to be the most current, but it refers to backward
compatibility with versions 1.8 and 2.0 with the syntax for an
autoincrementing primary key. I could not care less which hsqldb is used as
long as LO-4.3.5 Base will work with it.
I'm translating the SQLite schema .sql to the HSQLDB DDL syntax. I'll
check syntax with the hsqldb mail list and ask them how to generate the file
that Base will recognize using the jdbc interface.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base: Connecting to SQLite3 .db and Working With it (continued)
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