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At 12:17 17/12/2015 -0800, Dave Liesse wrote:
On 12/17/2015 10:57, Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:20 17/12/2015 -0700, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I have noticed a bug in Save As from writer, long standing. I know the reason for what is happening, but not sure if fixed in the 5 series (I am still on 4). If you open the below file and click Save As I have the file name curtailed to TN16 in the dialogue, LO does not pass the whole file name to the Save As dialogue.
If this bug could be verified in the 5 series I will file a bug report.
Is this exactly a bug? Do you, in fact, know the reason for it 
happening? Your original file name is missing its proper extension 
of ".odt". The part of the existing name after the dot is - surely 
quite properly? - interpreted as its extension. Then when you do a 
Save As..., the program offers to correct the inappropriate 
extension to the appropriate one. How is that a bug?
If you correct the original mistake by adding the correct extension 
to the file name before you open it, the Save As... will surely 
work with no problem. Doesn't LibreOffice use extensions (along 
with actual file contents) to determine in what format to interpret 
any document file?
Doesn't LO automatically add .odt to the filename (unless overridden 
by the user)? In Windows, at least, that's accomplished by selecting 
the file type in the Save As dialogue.
Indeed so, but someone has created a document file, we are told, 
without this extension.
If you open a file named a.odt, everything is OK If you open a file 
named a.b.odt, everything is also OK. But if you open in LibreOffice 
Writer a file named a.b (without the ".odt"), the "b" is now its 
extension, so Save As... offers "a" as the file name and "odt" as the 
corrected extension. If the original file - a.b - was saved from 
LibreOffice it must have been saved without the proper extension or 
its name must have been changed before it was offered back to 
LibreOffice. That's where the problem lies - and also where the solution lies.
Brian Barker 

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