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At 12:08 16/11/2015 +1000, Roger Sheehy wrote:
I discovered that I had lost important formatting, when LibreOffice 4 had been updated, I think, to version 5. I am using LibreOffice Calc for a basic home finances accounting spreadsheet. I group each month's finance data together once the month is finished so that all that is seen, is the final months totals. To my dismay, I found after the update mentioned earlier, the hidden data 'rows' of each month were inaccessible with the loss of the little + icon that usually enables you to expand out those rows. The visible rows numbering reflect accurately that there are hidden rows there somewhere. All subsequent data entries into new rows & their end-of-month groups seem to function perfectly, but the older months groups formatting remains inaccessible
One likely possibility is that you have managed to ungroup your 
earlier groups whilst they were hidden. If so, the relevant rows will 
no longer be in a group - so will not show the plus or minus signs in 
the group indicator to the left of the display - but will still be 
hidden. To show these rows, select a row or rows each side of the 
hidden rows (or even all rows in use or the entire sheet) and go to 
Format | Row > | Show. If desired, set up the lost groups afresh.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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