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2015-10-18 13:49 GMT+02:00 Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>:

On 10/17/2015 10:39 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 16.10.2015 um 18:45 schrieb anne-ology:

        curiously wondering what gmane is ...
           curiously wondering what else I'll be a-learnin' today ...
              curiously wondering what the newest computer gadget'll be
                 curiously wondering ... curiously wondering ...
wondering  ;-)

        very interesting indeed;
           and remember'g how file folders expanded to hold letters by
case ...
          ah, times ... they've been a-changin'  ;-)

Mailing lists and aggregators are tools of the 90ies. Almost forgotten
in the twitter age.

Not everyone like to use Twitter or Facebook.

I have not used Twitter in years, and the only reason I have a Facebook
account is for connecting with family and friends worldwide [that share
photos and such on Facebook].

Most communications, that are not face-to-face or over the phone, are done
via email.  I prefer this.

"tools of the 90ies"?  Well so are desktops, laptops, web servers, and
other tech that is the foundation of what we use today.

As for "Twitter", well the national news has stated that Twitter, and some
other social media outlets, are downsizing due to the lack of use.

Also, a case for email lists, it is hard to keep out the "trolls" on
social media than it is on an email list.  There has been many cases of
misinformation placed on social media just to cause trouble for individual,
organizations, and businesses.  I really do not want to see something like
that for our "help services".

I may be wrong, by the opinions of others, but I trust managed/monitored
email help lists over "social media" sites for helping me with any problems
I may have with LibreOffice.

​Strongly agree with your points above, Tim....


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