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Am 06.08.2015 um 23:08 schrieb
Hi everybody!
I want to create bibliography database, but i dont want use default
bibliography biblio for that. How i can perform it? Which files are
correspond to the database and where are they placed in file system?
Thanks in advance.

In Writer or Calc hit F4.
Right-click the existing Bibliography and choose "Edit Database".
You get a new window with a database document and with the connection
info in the status bar of that window. "Bibliography" stands for a dBase
directory with one file biblio.dbf in a certain directory.

In Writer or Calc hit F4.
Right-click the existing Bibliography and choose "Registered Databases".
It opens the options dialog with a list of database documents registered
under a certain name.

The idea is that you can re-use any type of database or "tabular files"
such as csv, spreadsheets, dBase directories by connecting a Base
document to that data source you already have. Any registered Base
document connected to any tabular data source can be used in the same
ways as bibliographic database or as a source for serial letters, label
printing or calculation models regardless of the exact type of source.

So the main question is: Where do you store your bibliographic data
right now? Then you may be able to connect a Base document to this data

I have several documents and i want keep databases created "from zero"for
each of them. I want create new databases and keep them separately each
from other. How i can do it? thats my main question. If i open main
document should i connect bibliographic file every time than i do it?

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