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On Sat, 1 Aug 2015, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Has anyone on this list[s] have tried Win10 and tested LO 4.4.x on that system?
I installed via the so-called 'Insider Preview' on a Thinkpad x120e. I 
haven't used it very much and I haven't installed LO or OO yet.
so far:

a) AMD Catalyst program seems broken and I haven't succeeded yet in fixing it and updating the driver for the Radeon 6310.
b) system gets unusable if I try to use my usb-connected Logitech 
trackball, the cursor moves but no responses to clicks; then the 
keyboard goes wonky so no right or left clicks work from the inbuilt 
c) the default theme and colors seem dour, fonts fuzzy, but so far I 
can't find a pallette to choose from. there are even worse themes to 
select from and a limited set of about 8 dour colors. I haven't tried 
yet to install true-type (that's a separate procedure, right?).
d) perforce I have a Microsoft account but I turned off most of the 
'call home' features and don't use Cortana or One-drive and so forth 
but I suspect there's plenty of 'telemetry' going on behind the 
scenes, not wholly inappropriate for a preview version.
e) I can't tell yet about speed and performance, too little usage, but 
it boots kind of slow but seems ok otherwise.
I suspect there are fixes for some of the problems; feel convinced I 
could improve the display if I could get good drivers.
I will be looking at adding some menu background graphics [via Firefox's options]. But in the original default install, the "window's" look and feel is not good. It just does not look as well as it did when I had the system running Win7.
I concur with the above (limited experience with Win7); didn't know 
about Firefox supplying background graphics?

Felmon Davis

I met a wonderful new man. He's fictional, but you can't have everything.
                -- Cecelia, "The Purple Rose of Cairo"

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