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If you are not experiencing the problem then you are probably using an older version of LO. This bug has now been fixed in the latest update of LO. Early versions always opened at the point where the cursor was located when the document was saved/closed. That was lost somewhere in version 3.x.x.x but has now been fixed in version
I found it annoying because I am using LO to read fiction which is 
downloaded from the internet to my computer. Reading a long novel 
(>500 pages) and losing your place when closing the book sucks. The 
work around that I developed was to insert a string of "X" at the 
cursor point before closing the novel. Then on reopening the book, 
having to do a search for the string.  But if I forgot, it was back 
to the beginning and having to search for where I was. Very 
frustrating, especially when compared to reading on the Kiindle which 
keeps your place even you have gone on and read 3 or 4 other things 
and then come back to the it.

 At 03:12 PM 7/24/2015, you wrote:
I still don't understand that problem of opening at the beginning only; my documents always re-open at the spot where last saved. From: Stephen Harding <> Date: Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:25 AM Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and "complex documents" To: Dan Lewis <>, I've had no problem using Writer to create 200+ page documents with over a hundred illustrations, annotated screen shots and drawings, imported from Microsoft's Visio or LO Draw (LO Draw works best) and JPEG photos. Also frequently use tables to show information. The documents have many, many cross references embedded in them and four level table of contents at the beginning. My only gripe is when you close a document and then reopen it, it opens at the beginning, not the point where you were working on it. Best wishes, Stephen Harding Freelance author Telephone desk 01256 781557 Telephone mobile 07969 469543 Skype Shirley_and_Stephen_Harding From: Dan Lewis [] Sent: 24 July 2015 16:06 To: Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and "complex documents" On 07/24/2015 09:31 AM, Tom Williams wrote: > Greetings! With all of the recent discussion about Linux being a > viable alternative to Windows, in today's computing world, I've read > many comments about whether or not LibreOffice is a good alternative to MS > Office. Some say yes, others say no. One common comment made by those > who say no is Writer isn't good for "complex documents". For "basic" > word processing, it's fine. > > Question: in what ways does LO Writer "fail" at editing or creating > "complex documents"? > > Does anyone here have any experience with LO Writer and "complex > documents"? If so, what has your experience been (either good or bad)? > > I know I haven't actually defined "complex documents" but I haven't > seen any definition of that in any of the comments I've read either. > So, I'll leave the definition up to whatever you would consider a > "complex document". :) > > I've submitted on LO Writer bug where Writer didn't handle Word > documents with pages with different page orientations well. I was > helping a friend with a term paper and most of the paper was in > portrait orientation, but a few pages were in landscape. LO Writer > treated the entire document as either portrait or landscape but > couldn't handle the mixture of both. I think that's been fixed, since I reported the bug. > That's been about my only experience with a "complex document". > > Thanks! > > Peace... > > "The other" Tom Is the problem with Complex documents really about the complexity, or is it about using LO and?Word on a complex document? I have been working with ODF Authors to create documentation for and then LibreOffice. I consider these document to be complex. Dan -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? / Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

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