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On 07/26/2015 05:21 PM, Tom Williams wrote:

Certainly, the 10 different writing systems in the same document is
something *I* would consider complex, especially since that's not
something I've ever seen, done, or even heard of.  :)
The 50,000 page outline document sounds complex as well, since I imagine
that outline would have several levels and not be relatively "flat".
Four levels of headings.

When I wrote my comment, I thought to these two documents were one in the same.  :)
Whilst there is the possibility that the 50,000 page outline, when
completed, will contain material in a dozen different languages, it is
not currently at that point. When I complete it, it might be the poster
child of complex documents, due to length, number of tables, images,
writing systems, languages, indexes, and styles used.


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