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On 2015/07/18 6:50, Jack Wallen wrote:
Thank you for sharing that, Charles (I'm the author). Glad to know it resonated.
Thank YOU, Mr. Wallen, for your article.
Although I know, this does not belong here, just a word.
I have been trying (STRUGGLING) to move away from MS and get friendly with Linux for 7-8 years now!
So far with little success. Yet, I still keep trying.

To quote from your article:
"Each of these distributions ... are ideal for users seeking an alternative to Windows. ... They are user-friendly and will get the job done."
That is definitely NOT my experience.
Maybe the statement (and Linux) is meant for computer specialists. I am not one of those.
Whenever I ask my (what must sound to the computer experts) stupid 
questions, I get in every of the many friendly communities the advice:
"If you don't know s**t about computers, you should not dare go near the 
damn thing (=Linux)."
My experience is, that Linux is making the transition VERY difficult for 
non-experts, ordinary mortal men, that "just"
want to work with the computer - without knowing about computer science, 
software design, programming techniques etc.
But I am probably boring you.
Sorry for that.

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