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On 07/13/2015 03:53 PM, anne-ology wrote:
       That is so *un*true.
From their "About" page
«Our primary function is to help you select the best freeware product
for your particular needs.»

If you were to actually go there, you would know they are so opposed
to the freeware/adware software

I just looked at their Android recommendations, and whilst they didn't
recommend the worst offenders in the adware space, their recommendations
did include adware whose primary purpose is to infect Android devices.

Their recommendations for Windows weren't much more reassuring.  (I
realize that msot Windows and Android users have a pathological
objection to running anything that might be misconstrued as safe, sound
secure software, preferring to live a world where their software and
hardware is pawned before being turned on.)

If you really want to encourage the use of a curated collection of
Windows software, then go with the _TTTCS OSSWIN DVD_
( Whilst it no longer is
exclusively Free Libre Open Source Software, it is a clean,
comprehensive collection of software for the typical consumer desktop.


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