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Am 05.07.2015 um 11:51 schrieb Dr. Martin Hennegriff:
Dear Sir,

Libreoffice provides two date functions: a 'fixed' version and a
'dynamic' one.
Q: How can I change the default?


Use templates, styles and/or auto-text. The clou about dates and the
other fields is that you define them once for thousands of letters,
protocolls, books, invoices etc.

Btw: In a letter template you want to use a fixed date. When you start a
new document from that template, you get the current date. After you
saved the letter, the date remains fixed so it always shows the letter
date. Of course, this can not work when you don't use any templates like
the vast majority of office "users". Everything in word processors is
built around templates and styles so you never need to program any
macros to get every days work done.

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