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I tend to download from the Archive directory/folder, since I tend to 
download for both Linux and Windows systems.
Hiccups are a fact of life.  Fixing one may cause another to pop up.  
That is the "fact of life" for a programmer.  Just ask our development 
team.  Web page/server/client programming can be the same.

On 06/25/2015 06:49 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I dunno but around the x.x.3 - x.x.4 is when the "Fresh" branch starts
being called "Still" and, usually, the old "Still" is retired (hopefully to
an archive page) and a new "Fresh" branch is started.

So, it is usually the time of maximum confusion for normal users such as us
- and the potential for a hiccup is greatest.  So maybe check the "Still"
branch to see if the x.x.4 is already there.  Maybe check for "other
versions" = is that the way to the "Still" page?

Actually this would be the first time that a hiccup had occurred, if it
has.  The closest we got was where one old branch had been so popular that
we had 2 "Still" branches for a while.

Apols and regards from
Tom :)

On 25 June 2015 at 11:35, Malcolm Moore <> wrote:

  What has happened to 4.4.4 ?  The release plan
shows it as released on the 21st but Fresh still
shows 4.4.3. It available as on pre release



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