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At 17:47 26/05/2015 -0400, Eric Beversluis wrote:
I've got a book-length document heavily formatted in LO writer, which I've exported to rtf. I'm trying to understand exactly what gets included in that new file.
Surely all or almost all of the facets of your document?

When I open it in WordPad on Windows it shows what I would expect an rtf document to look like--a continuous document, no page breaks, and minimal formatting.
You are here describing not an RTF document but the ability (or 
inability!) of WordPad to use and display aspects of such a document 
- page breaks being a case in point.
When I open it in LO on Linux, however, I get a strange output with some but not nearly all of the odt formatting that I assumed would be stripped out when saving as rtf.
I'm not sure why you would assume this. RTF was Microsoft's "internal 
markup language used by Microsoft Word" (Wikipedia) - so will surely 
be capable of containing most of whatever Microsoft Word could handle 
(at some previous time). In any case, it shows that the RTF version 
of your document contains most of your formatting.
When I try to open it in WordPad in Wine, Wine freezes up.
No comment.

What I'm concerned about is what will happen when I try to import this rtf into Scrivener or use it to generate an epub version.
Why not try it?

So, again, my question is what all is included in that new rtf file and do I need to do anything to get a 'cleaner' rtf file.
By "cleaner" do you mean "corrupted" - in other words, with much of 
your formatting destroyed? Wouldn't it be more straightforward to 
remove whatever formatting is not required before saving (a copy of?) 
the document? If you want no formatting, save as Text.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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