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Hi :)
Again, many thanks :)  and congrats :)

Don't worry about having been away.  Emails are good for that sort of thing
and are quite good at helping remind us of cases we might have forgotten
about while getting on with other things.

You probably have an inbox full of messages about all sorts of different
things from this mailing list.  You don't have to read any of them and can
safely just delete them all.  Some might be interesting and distracting but
they are not vital.  :)   ^_^
Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 May 2015 at 02:38, Taang Zomi <> wrote:

*Dear Tom,*

*Thank you very much for your ever-ready and useful helps.*

*Sorry, I have been away so long.*

*But I am here again. I have installed LibreOffice*

*Taang Zomi*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Davies <>
Date: Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Should I upgrade to LibreOffice
To: Taang Zomi <>
Cc: "LibreOffice, users" <>, Thudik Zomi <>

Hi :)
Kinda ignore the 4th digit.  It's the 3rd one that is much more

The 3rd digit is a lot like the "Service Pack" numbers used by Microsoft.
Just divide our 3rd digit by 2 and round down.

So, when you say 4.4.2, that is roughly like having Sp1 on the 4.4.x
branch.  It is good but a lot of people would wait for the x.x.4.  The
4.4.1 is in the same branch but doesn't have as many bug-fixes as the
4.4.2  Both have all the same functionality but the x.x.2 has solved more
problems and quirkiness so it is likely to be more easier to use.

The 3.3.6 has a very high Sp number.  Sp3.  So it's had all the bug-fixes
and "smoothing out" that it's branch is going to get.  However the first
two digits show that it's quite an old branch now.  A bit like having
Windows 98 with Service Pack 3.  It's very solid and reliable but it lacks
a LOT of functionality (and compatibility with Microsoft formats) so it is
probably a good idea to upgrade.

In your position i would guess that 4.3.6 would be an ideal version for
you.  4.3.5 would be ok.  4.3.4 would probably be tolerable.

I try to give my clients and colleagues versions with a high Sp number,
almost definitely over x.x.3 - but for myself i try to use the newer branch
so i can try to spot any problems or even positive new things that my
friends and colleagues might have trouble adjusting to.

I hope that clarifies things a little bit!  Does any of that help you
understand more about the version numbers or does it still seem a bit
Regards from
Tom :)

On 8 April 2015 at 21:34, Taang Zomi <> wrote:

*Laptop Computer:      Hardware:           Model: Toshiba Satellite
L55-B5276           HD: 1 TB           Installed RAM: 8 GB
Processor: Intel Core i5-4210U CPU @1.70    MHz  2.40 MHz      System
64-bit Operating System, x64-Based      Operating System: Windows
8.1LibreOffice for Windows I upgrade to the "Fresh"
version of LibreOffice or should I stay with or even the
"Still" Version of Zomi*

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