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Am 03.05.2015 um 08:41 schrieb Keith Bates:
The version of LO that ships with Ubuntu 15.04 is 4.4.2.

Since upgrading Ubuntu the other day I have noticed that forms- which
are meant to open in read-only mode- now come with a big yellow bar
which says "This document is in read only mode" with a big button to
press to enter Edit mode.

Is there a way to get rid of this thing permanently?


The following is a dirty hack to hide this nasty subwindow (and possibly
others). Store it somewhere in "My Macros".

Open a form in editable mode.
Save in: <the respective document>
Bind the macro to event "View created".
Save, close, reload the form document.

Sub hidePanelWindows(e)
Dim CompWin, acRole, cHeight, wins, i, w, ac
CompWin = e.Source.CurrentController.Frame.ComponentWindow
acRole =
cHeight =
wins() = CompWin.getWindows()
for i = 1 to uBound(wins())
      w = wins(i)
      ac = w.AccessibleContext
      if ac.AccessibleRole = acRole then 
End Sub
The macro hides all subwindows of certain type. Let me know if the macro
hides any wanted items which may happen.

Hope this helps,

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