On 4/20/2015 3:04 AM, Graham Luffrum <grhmlffrm@gmail.com> wrote:
As Andreas writes, it depends on the number of rows. Originally I tried
with only a small number and it was not a problem. With 500 there is a
delay of several seconds. When I tried 5000 Calc froze completely.
Sounds like maybe the problem is more evident on Windows.
I just tested a little more, and, just selecting every other row:
- with 10 selected, the delay is about 4 seconds
- with 20 selected, the delay increased to about 20 seconds
This is on a Win7 64bit, Intel Core-i5-4670S, 8GB RAM, running on an SSD.
On a not completely unrelated topic, it slightly annoys me that when in a
Calc sheet I open the right-click menu and then select "Format" it takes
more than 5 seconds before the format box appears.
Interesting - I saw maybe a 2 second delay the first time I just tested,
then tried a bunch more times with many variations of the number of
cells selected, and each time it opened almost immediately (within a
I tested on a blank spreadsheet, and one of our internal ones that has a
bit of data on it, as well as 15+ worksheet tabs. Maybe that one is
linux only, or has something to do with the type of content?
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Please confirm Calc bug - discontiguous selection of rows, right-click is very slow (continued)
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