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At 11:07 19/04/2015 -0400, Rob All Jr wrote:
While I'm working in calc, the program is frequently adding a colon followed by a number (usually 2 sometimes 3) at the end of the file name (i.e. after the 'xlsx'). What's that all about?
You say it adds a colon and number "at the end of the file name", as 
if the file name is being thereby modified. But that's not so: the 
file name is unchanged but the title bar of the LibreOffice window 
shows the additional element in addition to the file name. It 
happens, I think, when you have two windows open to the same file (or 
perhaps when LibreOffice thinks you do); you can see this easily by 
clicking Windows | New Window with an existing file open.
How can I stop it?
Why would you want to? Save the document and close the unnecessary 
windows. Do you have the document open in some other application? 
Alternatively, if you prefer not to see the indication, I'd suggest 
royal blue correcting fluid ...
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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