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also sprach Andreas Säger <> [2015-04-15 17:40 +0200]:
There is a macro under "LibreOffice Macros">Tools>Misc>ProtectSheets
which can be used together with Tools>Customize>Events>"Save Document"
Oh, I didn't even know about all these macros. I'll investigate!

Unfortunately, ProtectSheets doesn't seem to work on an existing
document (while it works fine on a new document). If I assign it to
the "Save Document" event, then I get an error about a missing
"property or method" Count on the line

  For i = 0 To oDocSheets.Count-1

Do you have any idea what could be going on here? While I can read
this language, I have absolutely no idea about it. When I set
a break point on the macro, it's being ignored unless I run the
macro directly. And then, the error is a different one, it seems,
namely that


5 lines above is "out of scope" and (consequently) has no property
or method "Sheets".

A database with an input form would save you a lot of trouble, but
this would require that you forget about spreadsheets and accept
a more professional approach.
Oh, I am well aware that spreadsheets are hackery, but the use cases
I have (mainly budgeting in non-profits) require a high degree of
flexibility. I am not aware of any database that would be suitable
for these tasks, and creating one would require *way* more time than
scrambling along, especially since the structure of the budget (e.g.
for DebConf taking place in a different country every year) varies
considerably every year. Sure thing, I want to try to normalise this
a bit and then maybe the time for a database approach has come, but
for now, spreadsheets with locked cells are as good as it gets.


@martinkrafft | |
"it is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason
 that it is more difficult to be witty every day
 than to say pretty things from time to time."
                                                   -- honoré de balzac

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