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Hi Stuart,
Le 11/04/2015 04:07, V Stuart Foote a écrit :
If folks have not been paying attention, there has been sufficient movement
in the project to warrant a 5.0 branding of the next major release. 

From the  Release plan <>  
5.0.0 (freeze: week 21)       Week 16 , Apr 13, 2015 - Apr 19, 2015   Week 31 ,
Jul 27, 2015 - Aug 2, 2015

The development master will be branched to a 5.0.0alpha0 effective next

New to 5.0 will be a true 64-bit Windows build (for Windows >= Vista),
follow other tidbits in the evolving  LibreOffice 5.0 release notes
<>  .

What is needed from the community now, are your artistic talents. It is time
for a new motif for 5.0, here is a progression of our StartCenter from 3.3
to current builds of master (pre-5.0).  As can be seen, the color scheme is
a bit stale.

So, break out your graphics packages and draw.  There is a stub for any
proposals in the Design Wiki Whiteboards at:
Thanks a lot for pushing things here, will you coordinate with the
design team and the marketing team? or do you want me to do so? Italo
will come back to the Design list soon, and I'm sure K-J will submit his
great design too.

Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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