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Hi :)
Yeh, i think that is the sort of thing that normal users would call a bug
but it doesn't cause anything to crash or leak memory or anything like that
(at least that is not the main problem) = so i think post as a "feature
request" using the drop-downs in the bug-reporting system.
Good luck!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 April 2015 at 17:04, Brad Rogers <> wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2015 11:27:20 -0400
marianne-x <> wrote:

Hello marianne-x,

Although the initial A is underlined in both cases, neither can be
selected by keystroke, due to the obvious ambiguity.
As far as I can tell, only the rodent can advance the user in this
As a result of tests here, I concur with Robert's findings;  Pressing A
toggles between "Address Book Source" & "AutoCorrect Options" - then
<Return> selects whichever is highlighted.  Maybe the highlighting is
too subtle with your chosen colour palette or because of, possibly,
shortcomings with the display device, IDK (just putting it out there).
As "Address Book Source" is only displayed when in LO Writer perhaps it
should have its choice letter changed.

To my way of thinking, this isn't a bug per se, because both can be
chosen without resorting to mouse, albeit with extra key presses, so
you'd have to create a 'bug' report with a status of 'enhancement' or
'feature request' to get the selection letter changed.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Every single one of us
Devil Inside - INXS

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