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At 16:06 07/04/2015 +0200, Honly Wonly wrote:
Am 23.03.2015 um 18:28 schrieb Brian Barker:
At 17:01 23/03/2015 +0100, Honly Wonly wrote:
Am 16.03.2015 um 18:07 schrieb Andreas Säger:
Am 16.03.2015 um 15:57 schrieb Honly Wonly:
Creating LO documents directly would be nice and might have the advantage to be able to specify some formatting --- which I might need to do sooner or later.
Formatting is a matter of style, cell styles 
in this case. Linked import ranges filled 
with database data can be prepared with cell 
styles (I use document templates for this 
type of database reports). The formatting 
expands/shrinks with the imported data range.
How would I do something like this with CSVs? 
I guess I'd need some sort of "overlay 
spreadsheet" which defines the formatting and 
is then being filled with the data from a CSV 
file. The fields in the CSV remain the same while the number of rows will vary
As suggested above, if you already had suitable 
styling configured as cell styles, it would be 
very simple to apply these styles to the data 
after it was positioned. Alternatively, if you 
have a document with space for the data already 
formatted - which would indeed sensibly be 
created from a template - you could add the 
data without upsetting the formatting.
The trick here is to use Edit | Paste 
Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of 
ordinary Paste. If you paste from elsewhere in 
the same or another spreadsheet document, 
ensure that "Paste all" and Formats are both 
*not* ticked in the Paste Special dialogue; if 
you paste from another source, select 
"Unformatted text" in the Paste Special dialogue.
The data is in a CSV file.
As you already indicated.

Opening the CSV creates a new spreadsheet.
Not necessarily: you can import a CSV file as a 
new sheet in an existing spreadsheet - and you 
can very simply copy and paste from there to wherever you want it.
I don't want to apply formatting ...
The previous suggestion - pasting as "Unformatted 
text" into a previously formatted sheet, probably 
derived from a template - avoids this. You will 
need to indicate what formatting you want at some 
point, of course, and you can easily do this by creating a template.
... or copy and paste anything manually. The formatting should be applied automatically, for example based on the name of the CSV file, using a regexp, when the CSV file is opened.
Then you may well need not Calc but SuperCalc. 
You could volunteer to help create it at . With luck it 
may be developed to read your mind as well.
Or you could employ an assistant.

Brian Barker
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