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Thanks Michael.
I am not too worried about rendering as long as the postscript in the EPS is output to PS in the print output.
I didn't realise there were so many bugs for this. My situation is more like
For now AOO solves the issue for me while I watch this bug resolution.
Of interest was that LO4.3 on my mac renders correctly on screen but prints incorrectly. If you can imagine that is quite misleading with an EPS with no preview.
On 2015-03-12 05:12, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Steve,

On Wed, 2015-03-11 at 13:36 +1300, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Most of my data sheets have EPS images (for the vector graphics) output
from our cad system. Up until LO4.1 went to 4.2.. these were printed
        This an annoying one to fix sadly; it's easy enough to get EPS into a
Postscript stream - but when we switched to PDF that went to pot.

I just updated to 4.3 and noticed this was broken, went back to 4.1 and
OK, tried 4.2 and 4.4 and both broken also.
There is a bug filed at
        It is notable that the underlying issue:

        Is an easy-hack, meaning anyone can work on it ;-) we just need to add
some hard-coded lists of suitable paths to hunt for the ps2edit

        In the longer term, having xpost integrated to actually properly render
the EPS would be far nicer; but that's rather a bigger job.



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