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LibreOffice is trying to open a recent file with the extension .xls as if it were a .doc file. When opened directly (by saving the file to the hard drive then double clicking it) I get an error that says "this page uses frames but your browser doesn't support them" and I get only text-style menus and tools. I'm NOT trying to open this in a browser and there's no browser involved when trying to open it.
This file was originally generated by Salesforce, which often saves it 
as if it were an html/web file.  But with a save-as operation in MS 
Excel, the file saves correctly as a spreadsheet file (.xls). I'm using 
MS Office 2007, so it's not a new file type, and I've had no problems in 
the past.
Any idea what is happening?  I've tried opening a blank spreadsheet and 
inserting from a file, but no luck.  Nothing happens when I do that.

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