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Hi :)
Attachments are stripped off emails to the list.  You can upload it to
a Cloud storage place (such as google drive (or whatever it's called
now) and then give us the link to the document.  If you can find
Nabble and figure it out that is a good place to store the document

So i'm not sure what the problem is!  Are you using Windows?
Something else?  If Windows is it a newer version that you haven't
used before much?

Win 7 and 8 (and Vista) try to protect you from accidentally
installing things so they ask you to confirm by username and password
to prove that you are really you and that you wanted to install
something.  It probably includes a warning that it's not a Microsoft
product (ie that it's from a 3rd party) and they probably claim that
The Document Foundation is an "unknown publisher".  It's quite
off-putting and a bit scary but just confirm that you do indeed want
to install something that isn't made by them or their accomplices.

If the message is about your hard-drive being too full then empty your
bin, open your emails and empty the bin in there too.  Maybe try "Disk

Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 February 2015 at 13:27, James C Smith <> wrote:

I have been using LibreOffice for some considerable time now. The version I
was using was LibreOffice 4.3.5., and I was informed that there was an
update to LibreOffice 4.4.0., so I commenced the update. Part way through, I
receive an error message (see attachment), and it then rolled back the

Now I cannot install either version 4.3.5 or 4.0.0.

Can you please help, because I need your programme for work?

Best regards

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