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Hi Charles,

I'm afraid there is some confusion here:

On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:49:47 -0500
charles meyer <> wrote:

I have a 2 page document (opened as a .jpg) in Libre Writer

If the file is a .jpg, it's not a document, it's a picture, and should
then open in LibreOffice Draw, not Writer. If it is a document, and
opened in Writer, it should not be a .jpg.

but I can't seem to find how I would delete the 2nd page so I can
save the document as one page.

If this is a document, then you don't delete "pages", you delete the
contents (which is just text, formatted in one way or another), until
there is only enough to fit on a single page. If there is too much
content, Writer will automatically make it go onto the next page.

Of course, you can make the font of the text smaller (and maybe the
margins wider and that sort of thing), so that with the same content, it
takes up less space and perhaps fits on a single page.

If you really have a .jpg file, an image, then it should not open in
Writer, it should open in Draw. Unless you are trying to insert the
picture into a text document. In either case if the image is so large
that it takes up two pages, then you should be able to resize the image
to fit on one page.

This makes the image itself smaller, so may not be what you want.
Instead, you may want to edit the image in Draw and remove some of the
contents of the image, so that it takes up less space and fits on one

All this depends on what you want to achieve. Are you trying to get
what you currently have small enough to fit on a single page, or are you
trying to remove some of what you currently have, so that what you are
left with is small enough to fit on one page?

Your question was a little confusing, so I thought it best to explain
in detail; please ignore any of the above that you already know.
Hopefully some of what I've said is new and gives you the hint you need
to figure out how to solve your problem.


I Googled "How do I delete a page in Libre Writer" and the
results were just about where I could download the program.

Thanks so much.


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