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On 12/28/2014 07:45 AM, wrote:
Rogier F. van Vlissingen wrote:
Most of the time when printing from LO, I get multiple copies, and I have
to manually abort printing.

At one point I thought it might be a printer problem, but it does not
happen when I print from Adobe Reader or other applications, only from LO
Does anyone have any insight???
All I can think is to check that the number of copies is set to 1 when 
printing. That may sound obvious, but there are two places it can be 
set, which might catch you out. After going to File > Print, click the 
General tab and select the required printer. Then:
1. Make sure "Number of copies" on the dialog itself is set to "1".
2. Click "Properties...". This brings up the printer-specific properties, where there is also usually an option to set a number of copies (check all the tabs - it varies by printer).
Set any other options as needed, and click OK to print as usual.

These two settings operate separately... In the past, I've ended up with 9 copies instead of 3, when I set LibreOffice to print 3 copies and set the printer properties to print 3 copies (thinking changing the option in LibreOffice should have updated that option for the printer). It turns out that makes LibreOffice send 3 copies to the printer, which then prints those 3 copies 3 times!

I wonder if you have a glitch in your config file[s] that define 
printing with LibreOffice.  I do not remember the document location, but 
if you close LO and save the config file[s] location to a new name, then 
open LO again, LO will build a new set of configuration data.
I had this issue a few years where LO was stuck on printing pages as if 
I set it to print 4 pages per sheet and then defined it so only one 
quarter of the page is printed and the rest of the sheet is left blank.  
I could not get the settings to take hold so it would print properly.  
When I had LO recreate a fresh configuration the problem was fixed.
To be honest, I have had this happen a few times, but not in the past 
year or so.  This method was the easiest way for me to fix the printer 
issue/glitch that happened.  Also, LO was not the only package that has 
done this, but at least I did not have to remove and reinstall the whole 
package to get the printer problems fixed.

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