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On Wed, 2014-11-19 at 10:40 +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Crashing is usually due to some 3rd party Extension or some weird tangle of
settings in the User Profile.  Renaming the User Profile is usually fairly
quick and easy, once you've figured it out first time

The 2nd most likely cause has tended to be Java issues.  if you are using
the internal back-end on Base or using Accessibility tools such as
screen-readers then there might not be much you can do except to maybe
consider upgrading Java or finding a more stable version of Java.  The rest
of us can switch off Java dependence temporarily;
Tools - Options - Advanced
and if LibreOffice grumbles then switch it back on again.  Most people find
they can live without Java in LibreOffice and maybe even uninstall it.

Generally it is always best to stick with the distro-specific tweaked
versions of almost all software.  Going outside of that often requires
quite a bit of 'proper' linuxy experience and knowledge.  It's not usually
a good idea for a point&click user like myself!

However LibreOffice is one of the exceptions.  it's very forgiving about
it's dependencies and it's unlikely that something else is depending on a
specific version of LO.  It's about the only package i ever install
directly from the upstream site and i have grown quite comfortable doing
so.  If it doesn't work out it's fairly easy to remove all the downloaded
official TDF version and then reinstall your own distros version from their
repos but it's unlikely you would need to.  The only downside is that you
have to remember to upgrade it yourself.  Many of us don't even upgrade
once a year, despite official recommendations, without any noticeable

It is also possible to install more than 1 version of LibreOffice at a time
to get the best of both worlds

I have submitted a bug to bugzilla for this after being advised to by


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