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Correction: "Change this style permanently?" should be "Change your personal style permanently?".
That way the user does not assume that they are changing the default 
setting, but unique to them.
On 11/5/2014 10:44 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
On 11/5/2014 10:30 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
So, it begs the question, when you are using Writer, should there be 
a menu item that asks "Change this style permanently?" so the your 
world grows instead of trying to predetermine everything?
MS Word has a setting in its Styles dialog that allows one to save a 
modified style to the template upon which the loaded document is 
based. I've always thought a similar shortcut in Writer would be nice.
It would also be nice to assign a shortcut key to a style from within 
the Styles dialogs rather than through the more cumbersome 
Tools/Customize dialogs. (Interestingly, the contextual Help screen 
for the Styles "Organizer" tab states there is an "Assign Shortcut 
Key" option, but I've never seen it.)

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