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Sorry for the delay in responding.  Too many other things going on.

-- Tim

On 10/26/2014 4:56 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 16:25 26/10/2014 -0400, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 10/26/2014 02:13 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 13:51 26/10/2014 -0400, Tim Deaton wrote:
I'm currently running LO v4.2.6.3 on Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1.

I use Writer primarily to create notes for Bible study lessons. In that process, I often copy text into Writer from other programs (most likely e-Sword and TheWord (two free Bible software programs which, I think, both use the SQLite open-source database program). The template I use for this has the default tab-stop setting (Tools|Options|LO Writer|General) set to 0.25 inch.
My problem is that when copying text passages from those (and 
perhaps other) programs into LO, that default tab-stop gets reset 
to 0.5 inch, so that I have to go into the Options to change it 
back after each copy/paste.  I don't know when exactly this 
behavior started, but I do know this resetting did not happen when 
I was using OOo and then LO 3.x.  It either started with LO 4.0 or 
I'm not sure why you would want to use default tab stops at all. 
They are so close that you often need to add multiple consecutive 
tab characters, and this is surely a recipe for your documents being 
fragile and not robust to changes of font, paper size, printer, 
platform, and so on? Tab stops are a property of paragraph styles. 
Why not set up a paragraph style with just the tab stops you 
actually need and then apply this style to the text (very easily 
done) immediately after pasting
What about using paste special the "Unformatted text" option after 
creating the paragraph style you want?
I'm not sure how that helps. In any case, the questioner originally 
said he wanted to retain elements of formatting in the copied text.
Brian Barker

Thanks for your comments, and your patience.

The reason for the .25" tab stops (about 6mm) is that in these documents I do a lot of outline-type indenting, but without the outline numbering. Also, the pasted-in scripture sections use .25" hanging indents in one of the source programs, and I like to keep that. It's NOT for tabbed spaces in the middle of a line.
When I started using OOo for this, I set up a template just for these 
documents, and brought that over to LO when I switched.  The .25" 
default tab stops are part of that template.  Given its age, I doubt I 
used styles then, but I really don't remember.   I just know that the 
default setting used to not be bothered by the stuff I paste in from 
eSword and TheWord, but now it is.
Here's a link to a recent document:
(I wanted to include this on my original post, but computer problems - part of the "too many other things" above - prevented that.)
- Tim D.

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