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Hi Tom, all,
Le 25/10/2014 18:28, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
Hello Tom,

Le Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:59:35 -0700,
Tom Williams <> a écrit :

Hi!  I was looking at the "fixed bugs" section of the release notes
for LO 4.3.3 RC1
and noticed bug #66701
( was listed as
being fixed in LO 4.3.3.  However, when I look at bug #66701, it's
still in "New" status and is targeted for release 4.4.0.

Who can I notify to see about getting the release notes corrected?



"The Other" Tom

Thanks for picking that up. Release notes are very much a volunteers'
business, and I usually only post a summary directly to the website
when the release is done. But first we need to know whether you picked
an actual mistake or if the bug report itself has not been updated.
I'll ping one of our release managers, Sophie, who just happens to be
on that list :-)

Sophie, do you have more info on this bug status?
Yes, you'll find the answer here
if you look at the branch, you'll see that it's 4.3.
The bug is still on new because nobody closed it, most of the time, the
target is the next major, but if it can be added to a current branch
with no risk, it's done.

Kind regards
Thank you,

Sophie Gautier
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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