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On October 14, 2014 2:36:14 PM PDT, Bruce Byfield wrote:
Can anyone point me to a list of LibreOffice and OOo forks?

Its been two or three years since I've seen a comprehensive list.
Offhand, the only programs I can think of are:
* NeoOffice;
* AndroOpenOffice;
* EuroOffice;
* LibreOffice;
* Apache Open Office;

Lotus Symphony was rolled into Apache OpenOffice. I don't think it exists as a separate program 
GoOo was rolled into LibreOffice. I don't think it exists as a separate program anymore;

I don't know what the status of RedOffice is. 

The other forks I am aware of, have either been abandoned, or rolled back into either LibO, or AOo.

I suspect that there were a number of forks that never got on anybody's radar:
* CD/DVD only distribution as "budget software";
* Vector software for Trojan droppers;
* SoHo support companies that rebranded the software, to preserve their contract/business model;
* Instant download vendors;


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