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On 08/10/14 19:25, Werner wrote:

On 10/7/2014 20:46, m. nease wrote:

I'd like to do some work on Access databases (.accdb files) but haven't
been able to access(!) them using Base (and have no MS OS or MS
Office--happily).  Is this possible?
Some time ago I used the "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access" ( together with SQLExpress from MS to get at the data in a MS Access db.
I just needed to get it into calc, but I would think you should be 
able to access it once the data is in SQLExpress using the ADO 
adapter, or in worst case you should be able to export it from 

I have just converted an Access data base to LibreBase. The steps I used are:
1.Install virtualbox with windows xp on the Linux box
2. Install MS Access on the virtual box.
3. Set up the virtualbox machine to share a linux directory on home/username/database where username is your linux user
4. Load the MS database file into this directory.
5. From the virtualbox using Access open the database.
6. Export all of the database tables, one by one in MS Excell format. I could not find a way to export forms or reports.
7. From your linux account start Librebase and create a new data base.
8. Using LibreCalc open each of the Excell files. Ensure the column definitions in he spreadsheet are correct, i.e. make sure date columns are formatted as date. I had some problems with date fiels and solved it by formatting the date columms as YYYY-MM-DD.
9. For each spreadsheet select all and copy.
10 Go to your LibreBase and select the Tables creation area. Paste the spreadsheet dataa into the bottom pane. Follow the prompts to create your table. Note if you have any problems import only the table definition first. Ensure it is correct and then import the data to append to the table.
11 Repeat steps 8-10 for each table.

If your access data base uses views or queries you will need to extract the SQL code and use it to import into the LibreBase.
If you do have access to a MSwidows machine the you can load LibreOffice 
into it, open the MSdata  base and create a new database in LibreOffice 
format. The data base will contain all tables and data. It will convert 
access views to tables. It will not convert forms or reports.
Either way you will have to recreate views, queries, forms and reports 
in LIbreBase.

Peter Goggin


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